National Policy Agenda Calls for Greater Investment in Creative Potential of America’s Young People

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Greater investment in out-of-school arts, humanities, and science programs that develop young people’s creative potential and foster individual growth and social responsibility will enable youth to live richer, fuller lives and develop the critical learning and life skills they need to make a successful transition to adulthood.

That was the key conclusion of participants in the National Summit on Creative Youth Development in Boston, March 27-29, 2014. Together more than 200 leaders, funders, policymakers, researchers, and youth drafted “Collective Action for Youth: An Agenda for Progress through Creative Youth Development,” a policy and advocacy agenda to be implemented at the local, state, and national levels. Continue reading “National Policy Agenda Calls for Greater Investment in Creative Potential of America’s Young People”

Efforts to Develop Youth Creativity Produce “Ripple Effects” that Benefit Communities

New Research Sets Stage for Boston Summit to Advance Emerging Field of Creative Youth Development

Cover art for Setting the Agenda reportOut-of-school programs that develop the creative capacities of young people are uniquely positioned to drive civic and social progress in their communities, according to new research. The research report, “Setting the Agenda,” is drawn from surveys of more than 150 youth arts, humanities, and science programs nationwide.

“Today, youth are increasingly becoming disconnected from their communities and the means to make a successful transition to adulthood,” the report states. “At the same time, creativity is growing in its importance to addressing changing economic, social, technological, and environmental challenges. In this context, creative youth development programs are an asset, and supporting and increasing their impact is of great importance.”

Full Release.

Read Report. (PDF)